Mr. Urdu Poetry
Official Site of Author & Poet Maasoom Shah Aliyaar
Books & Poetry
Maasoom`s poetry is a Fakir`s journey. The stony hills of Afghanistan forms the backdrop and one has to listen only to the Sufi's muse to believe that this howling dry wind can tune so soulful a music! The reader becomes a sojourner in a caravan, and the vagrant's steering-wheel takes him to a painter`s studio to unfold the mysteries of life. Maasoom`s poems are not scriptures and yet they bring the reader to 'a sufibhakt`s fonts in mass rapture with Bhagwan`s theatre'. The Sufi`s Garland is an utterly hypnotic read in its truest sence.
The End of a Very, Very Dark Evening (Siyaah Shaam Ka Ikhtetaam) is an Urdu poetry collection by Maasoom Shah. It speaks of the pain of love and love lost, of Kashmir, of Sufis and Sufism, of confusion, of depression, and about being stuck in a moment of time and place as a migrant. It also speaks of women's rights and sensitivity to human dignity and the degradation of human suffering and its experience.

Maasoom Shah was born in the city of poets and writers, Ludhiana, named after Sikandar Lodhi, in the time of Lodhi dynasty which ruled in Delhi from 1451-1526 A.D. Great Urdu and Punjabi poets and writers such as Sahir Ludhianvi, Shiv Kumar Batalvi, Saadat Hassan Manto, Gulzar Singh Sandhu, M. Habib ur Rahman Ludhianvi, and Barkat Ali Ludhianvi lived here, were born here, or tasted first publishing success here.
Maasoom Shah (born as Sachdeva, Manav) started writing Urdu poetry at the age of fifteen. Since the age of fifteen, he started traveling and working and studying all over the world. He has traveled to nearly 50 countries, dropped out of pre-medical studies in California, studied comparative literature, international politics, and languages, at Harvard and Columbia Universities, and knows Farsi (Persian), Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, English, Russian, French, and some Arabic, and Spanish. His first book of poetry was published in 2011 and was called The Sufi’s Garland. His next book, a collection of urdu poems called Siyaah Shaam Ka Ikhtetaam (The End of a Dark, Dark Evening) is expected shortly.
In the Press
Manav’s poetry captures the warmth of the sun, the calmness of the dark, and the hope of spring.
The book as Maasoom himself describes “is a handbook for those who care to love.” Contrary to the popular perception he claims that Afghanistan must be seen as a land of love not as a land of terror.
We are glad that Masoom has projected Afghanistan as a land where poetry still lives.

Disclaimer: All intellectual and content copyrights reserved for Author: Manav Sachdeva /and in all his aliases i.e. Manav Sachdeva Maasoom / Maasoom Shah / Maasoom Shah Aliyaar. Any infringement of copyrighted material without permission, or any plagiarism will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of international law
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